Wisconsin Support Groups
Bonnie Fox and Paula Warner for the Amery group. E-mail Address(es):
Bonnie Fox foxy@amerytel.net
Paula Warner mwarner@amerytel.net
For information on meetings join this Facebook page.
We meet on the 4th Friday of the month at 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. at the Hillsboro Public Library, located at 819 High Ave in Hillsboro, WI.
Contact: Gary
Email: garycepek@yahoo.com
Iron River
Circle of Support: A Lyme Disease Organization Iron River, WI
Contact: Julie cos_iron_river@outlook.com
Meets every third Thursday of each month https://www.facebook.com/CircleOfSupportLyme
Contact: Judy Lechleitner, jlechleitner2003@yahoo.com
Jackie Fuchsjfuchs39@hotmail.com
Minocqua WI:
Jeff, Jillayne, Jennifer Kane, jdwaite@organicsbycedarcreek.com
Madison Wisconsin
Madison Lyme Support Group
Meets at Pinney Library
204 Cottage Grove Road,
Madison, WI 53716
Monthly meetings posted on website:
Contact information: lymecoordinator56@gmail.com
Milwaukee lyme support group
** The February 2015 Meeting is canceled and will be back in March **
When: Second sunday of every month, 3-5 pm Where: Shalem Healing , 800 E. Locust St., Milwaukee Contact: Falon at 414-640-5433 or e-mail falon@shalemhealing.com Come 30 minutes early to discuss treatment and diagnosis. Falon is an RN with lyme.
Platteville Support Group
Meet second Thursday of every month at Bread of Life church 745 Lutheran St Platteville Wi 53818 On Facebook as: Platteville Lyme Disease Support Group Contact: Scott Adams Scott.Adams@esterline.com
Racine Area Lyme Support (RALS) Group
Meets at Living Light Community Center 740 College Ave, Racine, WI 53403 We meet every third Wednesday of the month, from 6:30 to 8:00. If we need more time, we will begin meeting at 6:00, as the Center closes at 8 PM. Facebook: Racine Area Lyme Support Group email: WisconsinRALSGroup@gmail.com Contact: Lauren Lamoreaux
Viroqua, Wi Support Group
Contact: Gary Thompson- gatwwtc@hotmail.com 430 West Decker Viroqua, WI 54665 608.637.3650 Charlie Knower- charlie.knower@gmail.com 314 Minshall Ave. Viroqua, WI 54665 608.637.6110 Website: http://www.driftlesslymesupport.com/home
Western WI Lyme Education & Support Group
Our next meeting is this Thursday – 7/25/13 at 7:00 PM Our Savior’s Lutheran Church – 217 Deronda Street (County Road F)– Amery, WI.
Western WI Lyme Education & Support Group
Ours Savior’s Lutheran Church, 217 Deronda Ave, Amery, WI 54001 Contact information: Bonnie Fox foxy@amerytel.net or Paula Warner mwarner@amerytel.net
Wisconsin Online Support Board
Contact: Mike Nickel miken@tds.net https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Wisconsin-Lymesupport/info Please e-mail miken@tds.net to receive information on monthly support meetings throughout the state and for other assistance.
Wisconsin & Illinois Lyme FaceBook page:
Lisa Schultz-Hilton (site administrator) http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=237804066273&v=app_2344061033&ref=ts#!/group.php?gid=237804066273&v=wall