Diagnostic Hints and Treatment Guidelines for Lyme and Other Tick Borne Illnesses
by Joseph J. Burrascano Jr., MD
In general, you can think of Lyme disease as having three categories: acute, early disseminated, and chronic. The sooner treatment is begun after the start of the infection, the higher the success rate. Undertreated infections will inevitably resurface, usually as chronic Lyme, with its tremendous problems of morbidity and difficulty with diagnosis and treatment So, while the bulk of this document focuses of the more problematic chronic patient, strong emphasis is also placed on earlier stages of this illness where closest attention and care must be made.
Amazingly, this edition is not only the sixteenth in the series, but as the first edition appeared in 1984, this reflects twenty four years of effort!
Since the last edition, enough new information has become available to justify this revision. New insights regarding co-infections, tests and treatment regimens are included. Information included here is based on the literature, presentations at scientific meetings, the many valuable observations noted by my colleagues, plus experience from caring for my own patients. Please use the information presented in this document as an information resource and guide. It can never replace your own experience and clinical judgment. To download the entire 16th edition of the guidelines, click below
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See more at: http://www.ilads.org/lyme/treatment-guideline.php#sthash.Zvia2qDi.dpuf