Important Information Regarding Babesiosis
If you live in the state of WI you need to read the article that was written July 6 from Invisiverse regarding Babesiosis. The CDC has compiled a report concluding their findings from a surveillance done within the state between 2001-2015. The data observed was during three year intervals of surveillance during this time period and the numbers are astounding. Please read the following two links and learn why we should be concerned in WI.
Chronic Lyme Disease Summit 2
Chronic Lyme Disease
- Over 150 symptoms can point to this disease.
- Did you know: +300,000 per year get Lyme each year in the US alone?
The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit 2
Over 150 symptoms could point to Lyme disease-it’s a present-day epidemic that’s terribly difficult to diagnose! And, conventional medicine does not have an answer-join us for expert protocols that could radically improve the life of someone with Lyme!
Register for The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit 2
Once you register we will wend you emails reminding you of the free online videos you canwatch or listen to eac day!
Your host, Dr. Jay Davidson, nearly lost his wife to chronic Lyme disease, which prompted him to undergo years of research to help her heal. He’ll share that wisdom with you during The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit 2.
Register for FREE now
If you couldn’t listen to them all online or if you would like to purchase these as a gift for another Lyme patients you can do so here.
HELP OUR MISSION! Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace (plus, your purchase helps to create more of these valuable health talks!): Purchase Here
The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit 2 will teach you about:
- Symptoms (common and rare!)
- Diagnosis and testing
- Practical at-home health tips
- Healing protocol explanations
- Alternative practices in treating Lyme disease
The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit 2 is online and free from June 19-26, 2017!
I’ll see you online at this educational summit!
P.S. It’s true, every purchase made helps us continue to reach people struggling to live healthier lives. I thank you in advance for your support: Order your copies here + free gifts!
Free Online Viewing Schedule and Speakers
If you don’t have time to watch it online, and would like to have a copy to watch at your convenience at home, you can order them here. Click the banner below. These also make nice gifts for your loved one suffering with Lyme disease.
The Lyme Community has Lost a True Hero, RIP Dr John Hoffmann
The Lyme Community has Lost a True Hero, RIP Dr John Hoffmann
Today we mourn as we find out about a Wisconsin’s beloved Lyme doctor’s passing. Dr John Hoffman was an “angel in a cowboy hat and boots” as many called him. A true country doctor that would take in patients from all over the US for minimal fees, make house calls and sit with patients outside his office to feed the birds, chipmunks and squirrels. Heaven has truly gained an angel.
Services will be held at St. Killians Parish in Hartford thurs 4-7. The address is 428 Forest St, Hartford, WI 53027
Mike Nichols wrote this touching eulogy for Dr Hoffmann.
Dear Lyme Community,
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Dr. John G. Hoffmann. “Doc” as he was affectionately called by everyone will be greatly missed. Dr. Hoffmann’s remarkable life and caring was taken on May 7th 2017.
Dr. Hoffmann successfully treated thousands of lyme patients over the years. His labor of love for his patients often came at great personal cost to himself. In those trying times the lyme community rallied around the man who sacrificed so much. I recall vividly the outpouring of letters and support from Mom’s and Dad’s thankful that their wheelchair bound children could run on the track team again or their child that had lost the ability to speak in complete sentences was now an honor student. He pulled dozens of children out of wheelchairs. Hundreds of these letters and testimonials to Dr. Hoffmann were placed into a binder and given to him many years ago so he knew how much everyone loved and appreciated him. I wonder how many disabled children his detractors pulled from wheelchairs ?
Broken bodies and crushed spirits hobbling down the steps of his tiny basement office to regain the hope that we had all lost so long ago. A $125 office visit so your child could walk again. Many could not afford even this token amount. Doc would get paid in chickens and be thankful for the eggs.
Dr. Hoffmann offered three things to all his patients. Calm, hope, and finally, healing. His quiet confidence, his fatherly knowledge, his straight talk, his cowboy boots and hat presented a man genuine in spirit and compassionate in heart. He afforded himself the luxury of a two-week hunting vacation each fall out west. Riding Amtrak, viewing the wide expanse of the western United States while the size paled in comparison to the diameters of his heart.
Dr. Hoffmann’s own lyme disease battle had a resurgence several months ago but he never wavered in treating his patients. We all owe our lives and the lives of our loved ones to Dr. John Gregory Hoffmann.
There is only one “Doc”. There will be no other.
With sincerity and great appreciation,
Your Friends
To Visit Dr Hoffmann’s Photo Gallery and see Patients Stories Please Visit:
Wisconsin Lyme Network Puts Billboards up Across the State!
Wisconsin Lyme Billboards are up, sponsored by the Wisconsin Lyme Network. Here are the locations:. Let us know if you see them, send us pictures!
1.) Appleton Ave southside 700 ft. east of Bobolink Ave (facing west)
2.) Hwy 100 southside 90 ft east of 92nd st (facing east)
3.) Layton Avenue northside 650 ft east of 13th St (facing east)
4.) Oklahoma Ave northside 120 ft east of 6th St (facing east)
5.) I-94 northside 0.55 miles east of Hwy F (facing east)
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